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We are the creation of Bytesoft Solutions. Bytesoft Solutions is the reason we are developing and growing, although we are just getting started, and there is a long way, bytesoft solutions has been helping us in different areas such as; The Creation of our Website, Purchaching of Domain Name, Writting and Editing Content, payments for webhosting and other advertising services, of couse, this involves time and money. And all because of the vision and philosophy of the company, that is, helping others. Not only that, its monetary contribution has been of great help, because thanks to that we are able to help others such as the case of a dear friend Alejandro Suarez Nequiz Born on 24 April 1983 in Mexico City, started to become sick, ended up in the hospital, and few hours after, was diagnosed with Kidney failure, also called end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is the last stage of chronic kidney disease. When your kidneys fail, it means they have stopped working well enough for you to survive without dialysis or a kidney transplant. Sadly, both kidneys are damaged to the point that they are not working anymore, now Alejandro goes under hemodialysis for 10 hours every day to make sure the dialysis helps to do some of the work that your kidneys did when they were healthy. While many people can survive many years, definitely it has a great impact in the lives of those who suffer from it. and thanks to Bytesoft Solutions that is actually doing something about it, to make sure this goes for a long time, and hopefully until Alejando makes it to the kidney transplant list, and can receive a compatible kidney. For that reason, we are helping Alejando with monetary contributions as much as possible to ensure this person can make ends meet, he has 2 children a wife, and can't make it alone.

As you can see, when you make business with Bytesoft Solutions, you are not just making a transaction of money in exchange for a service or product, you are actually helping someone somehow.


If you'd like to become and sponsor, please let us know.


Gyalten Dorjee
CEO / Founder / Philosopher

