reduce stress at work

Stress at work.

Business owners do not seem to understand the psychology behind their business, instead they make it more stressful for their employees, and the employees keep this as a secret, leading to low productivity and unhappy lives that affect not only the business but the lives of everybody around.

It is pretty simple, happy employee, has a happy life, a happy life leads to the ability to be productive at work.

Sounds pretty simple and in fact it is, but we are so foolish and have so much pride that we make believe everything is all right.

I used to work for companies such as; AT&T, Google, Yahoo, Intel, Cisco, Gap, Levi's, nVidia, xfinity, GE, just to make mention of a few. As a Tech Support Eng. I saw the psychology of the environment of all this companies, and after a few years I understood why there were the top companies in Silicon Valley. Also I have worked for and with small business owners with 1-10 employees, and I say the way they were doing business, sadly they all were focus on the profit and obviously the money. Although seems the whole point of having a business is having profit, (That's one of the biggest mistakes) and always forget about their employees. Employees are the most important part of the business, just like having a brand new car, the employees operate the business in parts that together give the motion. Without employees there is no company. With stressed out employees, there is a stressed out company. With Depressed employees, there is a depress environment that affects other employees, and this affects the business. With employees at their 50-70% capacity, the company runs only at 50-70% capacity.

Employees often have problems at home, with family, friends, and co-workers, this leading to a stressful life, that reflects on the business environment, and thus this affecting other around. Most of the times no one says anything, being afraid or any outcome, employees often put up with a lot of things that don’t say to their employees, some samples are; not getting along with other, physical or verbal abuse from other co-workers, and worst of all the psychological abuse, not only between employees but sometimes from employer to employee.

What can we do?

In ProjectOAnswers, we offer a way to solve this issues.

With Ethics: We teach a code of conduct that embraces a commitment to harmony and self-restraint with the principal motivation being nonviolence and compassionate, that frees one from, pride, violence, jealousy, and it gives us freedom from causing harm to one self and others. Something we describe as virtue, right conduct, morality, moral discipline and precepts.

With Compassion: One Strive at first to learn upon the sameness of yourself and others. In joy and sorrow all are equal; Thus be guardian of all, as of yourself. The tolerance towards different beings, in their joys and sorrows, are like me, all we want is happiness. This pain of mine does not afflict or cause discomfort to another's body, and yet this pain is hard for me to bear. Just as I have this pain other have their own unbearable pain, If I don’t want this pain, why would I want other to have the same unbearable pain. Therefore, I must treat others with great respect because I do not want to cause them any type of pain. Thus for me and others I will aid and benefit, for they are living beings, like my body. Since I and other beings both, in wanting happiness, are equal and alike, what difference is there to distinguish us, that I should strive to have my own happiness alone?

With Psychotherapy: we answer most of the common questions, why we suffer, why there is pain, why there is this problem, why I feel like this, why are they like that, why do they do that, why do I do that, what can I do if this? What should I do when I feel like that. Bringing understanding and how life is, how life affect us, and how we affect others. We can understand and have an open mind to the possibilities that things are not what we thing they are and do not work the way we were told. We emphasize the importance of understanding ourselves, in order to understand others, thus giving respect to others and sharing the happiness with others.

We also have advance courses on;

Generosity; The art of Giving.

Ethical discipline; The art of behaving.

Patience: The art of being patience towards other beings.

Enthusiastic Effort: The art of Self-Motivation.

Concentration: The art of Meditation.

Most of the above will be teach in a general perspective, but not on depth. As each topics is a little long.  But we are always open.

